Saturday, August 2, 2008


Using the left-overs of the black sugar paper (245x245mm), the songbird was "born". This design is in Robert J Lang's Origami Design Secrets, in the grafting section. As you can see, although not very clear, there were toes "added" to the feet of the bird. This will give the model a more realistic look and feel.
Most of the design will start of with a simple base and look. By applying techniques like grafting, tiling, circle packing and others, the design will become more complex and more life-like.

Some one from the internet asked for help on step 19 to 22, so I made a video on how to fold these steps. It was fun to capture the video from a webcam as you have to make sure the folds can be seen clearly while you are working on the steps.


  1. How come there is a paper clip? :p

  2. It was to steady the model for the photo shoot =)

  3. Nice looking this songbird is!
    BTW, I had problem folding this one, on step 20-21, 32, 39-40
    and found your site from google :)
    May you help with that if you can? please email to me.
    Any kind of information is highly appreciated !

    Here is the thread may help you clarify my problem :)

  4. my email:

  5. Thanks. I will try to help out on the steps.
